News coverage from ECE 2015

19 May 2015

Obese people not just clumsy

Obese adults have poor motor skills which make fine movements difficult for them. The phenomenon could be linked to brain inflammation, according to an abstract presented by Issartel et al.

Daily Mail

Smoking marijuana may cause early puberty and stunts growth in boys

Boys who smoke marijuana go through puberty earlier but grow more slowly than those who have never smoked the drug according to an abstract presented by Rizvi et al.

The Telegraph; Daily Mail; Yahoo News; ITV News; SBS; Herald Sun

High salt intake may delay puberty

High salt diets may delay puberty according to a study presented by Pytinski et al.

Science World Report; The Times of India; The Telegraph

Note for ECE 2015 attendees

Please make time to attend the award ceremony (17:20-17:40 in the AUDITORIUM today) where the recipients of the 2015 ESE Young Investigator Awards and the ECE 2015 Poster Prizes will be honoured. This will be followed immediately by this evening’s plenary lecture, given by Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, the secretary general of the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE). ISE is an organisation that lobbies for the voice of European scientists to be heard and it is important we add to this as Endocrinologists. There will be the opportunity for discussions at the end of the lecture.

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