Parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates calcium, phosphorus and skeletal homeostasis. Powell Jr and colleagues sought to elucidate the role of PTH signalling in osteocytes using a novel model. They generated mice in which the expression of the PTH receptor was specifically decreased in osteocytes upon tamoxifen administration. These mice showed mild osteopenia and a reduction in trabecular bone, trabeculae number and thickness. An increase in Sost and sclerostin (a negative regulator of osteoblastogenesis) expression was also observed, which PTH was unable to suppress, indicating an important role for PTH signalling in osteocytes. Powell Jr et al. (2011)
Journal of Endocrinology 209 21–32.
Read the full article at: DOI:10.1530/JOE-10-0308.