SfE BES 2011 conference in the news

15 Apr 2011

The SfE press office was busy as always spreading the word about hormones and generated a lot of coverage from research presented at this year's SfE BES conference.

A study on the UK iodine status (SfE press release (pdf)), presented by Dr Mark Vanderpump, the Royal Free Hospital, was the most viewed story on the BBC Health News website on the day it broke (Tuesday 12 April), and was also featured in an interview on BBC Radio 5 Live.

Research on the effect of a daily dose of pomegranate juice on blood pressure (SfE press release (pdf)) was also the subject of an interview with Dr Emad Al-Dujaili, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, on BBC Radio Scotland.

Professor Hugh Jones, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, was able to head down the road from the Birmingham ICC (conference venue) to BBC Radio West Midlands' offices for an interview on his work on testosterone in men with type 2 diabetes (SfE press release (pdf)).

Each story also generated coverage in national newspapers including the Daily Express, The Mirror and The Scotsman, as well as trade publications like Endocrine Today, which featured coverage of the Society for Endocrinology's new clinical guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary apoplexy (SfE press release (pdf)).

We'd like to thank all those who helped with the press activity this year, and hope that endocrinology will continue to be a subject that fascinates the public and sparks debate.

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